Saturday, April 25, 2009

Seeing the Sun in the Deep Sky

April has finally brought sunny days. I have moved to the village for a two-week vacation and enjoy sun-gazing outdoors several times a day. I put a paper mask under my eyes, to avoid skin over-drying and wrinkling. The sun is not yet very hot, so my sessions can be quite long without overheating, even at midday.

And I have discovered a beautiful thing I'd like to share. Usually at the beginning of sun-gazing, it's hard to look at the sky and the sun, without squinting and blinking too frequently and hardly. Also I often have attacks of sudden sleepiness that forcefully shuts my eyelids and rolls up my eyes. I already know these are symptoms of mental strain. I keep sitting in the sun rays doing nothing, just relaxing and enjoying. Suddenly it feels like a fresh breeze touches my face and I become fully awake. I open my eyes easily and widely, no longer feeling the urge to blink, and see the sun with perfect comfort and joy. The entire sky appears different. It becomes so deep and so blue, and the air seems so clear. When there are white clouds or a tree branch in the field of view, they appear unusually deep, three-dimensional and clear. I also notice the universal swing. This state lasts for few seconds, 5-10. Then I have the attacks of strain again, but they tend to be shorter and less with each time. Needless to say that my sight is greatly improved after this sun-gazing, temporarily.

I hope I have found the right way of sun-gazing. Or at least the right result of it. I think this is what Rishi meant when he said he could sun-gaze without discomfort for 45 seconds and more. At that time I was confused to hear it, because I could spend much more time in the sun, without scotomata. But this "full depth" state really lasts only few seconds, and I will be looking to make it longer.

1 comment:

Kudr said...

Олег, ты замечательно пишешь на английском, все прочитал, все понравилось!
Но, смею предположить, с такой фамилией и местом проживания ты должен не менее хорошо владеть и русским )) Так ведь?
У меня ситуация примерно такая же, как и у тебя: занимаюсь по Бейтсу, перечитал всю сопутствующую иностранную литературу, сейчас неспеша впитываю Better Eyesight Magazine, постепенно улучшаю зрение))
Так вот, в процессе освоения метода Бейтса, обнаружил, что в России он представлен в каком-то извращенном и неполном виде. Жданов, и иже с ним, смешали все и вся, самые противоречивые упражнения, и предлагают эту сборную солянку публике! А суть - на десятом плане...

Олег, я предлагаю, помогая другим, помочь себе. Регистрируйся вКонтакте и загляни в мою группу:
если тебе это будет по душе, то добавлю тебя в администраторы. Группа новая, еще ждет своих посетителей))