Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Wrongest Idea about Eyesight

Perhaps the wrongest idea about eyesight, yet the most widespread and difficult to get rid of, is that when you "need your eyes" you cannot afford to relax them

It is also what prevents many people from discarding their glasses. They say that they would be able to discard them unless they needed their eyes so heavily on their work etc.  

I may declare and preach that relaxation needs to be made permanent, but way too often while working or doing something important, I find myself thinking that after I am done with it, I will relax and practice universal swing, but not now, because now "I need my eyes". 

What the hell? How doesn't it split my mind in two pieces by believing that only relaxation makes my eyesight better and at the same time implicitly believing that the strain is necessary to see? 

It means of course that the idea of strain is not completely unrooted from my subconscious mind. It is quite an amusing manifestation when a subconscious idea is realized by the conscious mind and found contradictory with what the conscious believes is true. :) I am looking forward to see that this contradiction will be resolved. 

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