Friday, May 23, 2008

Sun-Gazing Experience

The day before yesterday, the first time in my life I was able to look at the sun without discomfort for an indefinite length of time, with no afterimages at all, my eyesight profoundly improved immediately during and after sun treatment, and great flashes of improved vision during the same day.

Previously, I was only able to look at the sun without discomfort for a few seconds, then the wave of sleepiness and discomfort returned and I had to look away or close my eyes. This time it was different. By using the burning glass, doing long swing with my eyes up to the sky and getting accustomed to the sky near the sun, in about 10-15 minutes I became able to look at the sun, anywhere at the sky near the sun, and anywhere on earth and then back onto the sun, without losing the comfort and without any afterimages or color changes. I blinked at the normal rate. I even saw the edges of the sun sharp for few moments, although as a rule I see sun in blur. (so, obviously my sun gazing is still not perfect and I still have room to develop). The sun was swinging slowly and I was able to easily remember the swinging black period.

Because I was a bit bewildered with the fact that I no longer have to fight discomfort, I didn't know what to do next :) and decided this time to take a longer session of sun gazing than I normally do. The same day I had unusually sharp flashes of improved vision whenever I looked to the window. The next day the weather was overcast and I had a bad relapse, one like I haven't had for a long time already. I couldn't look even at the clouds without discomfort, and nothing seemed to give me relief. It is however known that relapses often take place the next day after sun gazing, but after they go, the eyesight improves further. Now it's the third day and the relapse is gone, and my vision feels like somewhere on the edge of a flash all the time. I am very intrigued with the power of more lengthy sun treatment, when I am comfortable with it, and look forward to try it again. To be honest, previously I was afraid to try it because of my first bad experience of sun treatment, when I did it wrong and developed a scotoma that lasted for two months.

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