Thursday, March 20, 2008

Procedures and Balancers - A Classification of Bates Techniques

I'd split all Bates techniques in two groups: "procedures" and "balancers".

The procedures are routines you do from time to time, several times a day. They are like first aid when you find yourself back in strain, and their aim is to bring you back into a more relaxed state, the best you can get at the moment. Procedures are: palming, sun treatment, sway (also known as long swing) and playing with the Snellen test card.

The balancers are the little tricks you keep doing all the time, when you are more or less relaxed, to prevent building strain and deepen the relaxation further more. Their aim is to dodge your mind and distract it from trying to control the eyes. Balancers are: noticing things moving, shifting, central fixation, remembering black period, imagining things seen clearly, breathing, blinking softly.

Start with the procedures and then proceed to the balancers.

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