Needless to say that I'm totally enchanted by the book. It is in a very good condition and but the yellowish side face of pages, one wouldn't tell the book is 90 years old! The paper is pretty dense and glows with milky white. The font is also something special - I have never seen that kind of big black periods above i. The illustrations look much more vivid than in the scanned copies, and the photographically reduced micro print is amazing. I even think I should print more pages in micro type on a high-resolution laser printer, because I find reading the fine print very beneficial, when done properly.

The letters seem very black and distinct and seem to swing all by themselves. I believe Dr. Bates intended this curative effect by carefully choosing the font, page size, paper etc. That's what I've bought the book for - I've already read it many times, so I don't need to chase for new information and can read meditatively, swinging the letters, realizing with awe that it's the book printed by the great Dr. Bates himself!
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